Monday, February 22, 2010

We're the biggest!

Travelling around the globe Australia came out on top when it comes to the size of our homes. In 2009 the average size in square metres of new homes in Australia was 214.9sqm. New Zealand 196.2sqm - Greece 1126sqm - Italy 81.5 - UK 76.2sqm.

Source The Weekend Australian, Feb 20 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Toorak Gardens - highest median rent in 2009

The median rent in Toorak Gardens in 2009 was $580 per week - almost $100 more than the year before and the highest in the state. Henley Beach South had the next highest median rent of $550 while other eastern suburbs, Wattle Park, Millswood, Dulwich and Rose Park were close behind.

The cheapest weekly rent in both 2008 and 2009 was paid in Elizabeth.

Rental stock levels rose in 2009 due to the first home owners grant causing renters to leave the rental market and buy their first home.

Source The Advertiser, Feb 17 2010